This page shows testimonials from Grihastha workshops and also other workshops based on Foaum.
You would see in the testimonials reference to the concepts of Foaum, such as Colors.
These concepts give a framework of human diversity which immensely helps you understand the uniqueness of your loved ones.
You can use that knowledge in many ways including in raising children according to their unique personality.
Hari Chitluri
June 11, 2010
I was sure I would attain a different perspective each time I attend Medhajananam and I was not disappointed in this my second time. In this repeat class, I didn’t attend all the sessions from the beginning to end, but I enjoyed what I had attended – I only wish I could attend all the sessions. I learnt a new perspective on the cycles concept this time by realizing the meaning of syncing up minor cycle with major cycle (don’t remember exact terminology). I was enlightened with new/different view on media/idea, image creation/transfer, and the varnas, my favorite topic. The color of the group in my first class was greenish-blue and we missed a red from the middle of the sessions. In this second class, I am fortunate to know a couple of reds’ perspective of various aspects of Medhajananam. Their presence confirmed that my light is dim in the red room and was happy to realize that I had reacted (though intuitively) in sync with my true color for some situations in the past. Now that I have Medhajananam knowledge now, I wouldn’t think second time, if I have to make those same decisions. Thanks to Krishna garu for volunteering to spread this great knowledge. My second time attending is as colorful and interesting as was my first time because of great group, color-combination, discussions and interactions.