
This page shows testimonials from Grihastha workshops and also other workshops based on Foaum.

You would see in the testimonials reference to the concepts of Foaum, such as Colors.

These concepts give a framework of human diversity which immensely helps you understand the uniqueness of your loved ones.

You can use that knowledge in many ways including in raising children according to their unique personality.

Ramesh Tupakula
April 26, 2010
To say it in simple ‘Life become easy’
It given me an opportunity to analyse myself and know more about the people whom I network with. It’s fun to me as well when I analysed why they behave different. I am thankful to Hari who referred me to Medhajananam, I really enjoyed the course.

But I felt there’s something for every one from 15 years to 85 years age. I am sure they may not get these things in their day to day life. I shocked to know that we had everything readymade in Vedas, Upanishaths, Sthothras etc. I always have a desire to know more about Vedas. I use to think, what is there in Vedas, why it is so important?

I know a bit of it now. The universe is same even before and after Medhajananam class. But I got changed. My perception about it is changed. I am more comfortable in accepting.

I strongly recommend this workshop to everyone. Get it done well in advance. Don’t dig a well for water when you are really thirsty. Our time is valuable, but this course is much more valuable and it will be useful to you only, but not to Krishna garu or anyone else. I wish to dream about a day where every graduate should be proud to attend Medhajananam workshop as part of their curriculam.

I would like to thank Krishna and all participants for making this workshop memorable and great learning experience. I would like to confirm that my intellect got ignited.

My sincere request to the Medhajananam graduates to spread this knowledge and do their best to build a better society……..better world.
Grihastha - Family Services